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Mesotherapy in Newport Beach, CA

Looking to rejuvenate dull and dehydrated skin and restore its radiance?
Looking to tighten & remove excess fat?
Then Mesotherapy is perfect for you!

Mesotherapy is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates and tightens skin as well as removes excess fat. This revolutionary treatment promotes the deep penetration of a customized cocktail of vitamins and antioxidants into the middle layer of the skin. Mesotherapy agents are Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and Sodium Deoxycholate (DC).​​​

  • Areas to be treated with Mesotherapy are:

    ● Abdomen● Arms● Armpit Flank● Buffalo Hump● Bra Bulge● Chin & Jowels● Eye Pads● Flanks● Hips● Thighs● Saddelbags