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IPL Photo Facial

IPL Photo Facial in Newport Beach, CA

Want to correct superficial blemishes such as sun damage, freckles and age spots? Looking to achieve a rejuvenated appearance and healthy skin with no downtime? Then IPL Photofacial is your ideal solution!
IPL Photofacial is a non-invasive rejuvenation treatment that uses intense pulsed light to reduce melanin, the dark pigment in your skin, and unveil a radiant and youthful skin.

And the best part? Minimal recovery time!

  • Conditions that IPL can treat

    ● Age Spots (Lentigos)● Café au Lait Macules (Birthmarks)● Freckles● Hyperpigmentation● Port Wine Stains● Rosacea● Seborrheic Keratoses● Spider Veins (Face & Legs)

Book a consultation with one of our skin specialists and they will create a treatment plan customized to your specific needs and explain everything you need to know about the treatment and results.