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Spider Vein Treatments in Newport Beach, CA

Spider Vein Treatments in Newport Beach, CA

Small veins visible near the surface of the skin are called “spider veins”. They appear most commonly on the legs and face.

We offer two Spider Vein removal treatments:


This is a non-invasive laser treatment system. It is a hand-held device with a cooling tip to minimize discomfort during the therapy.

The Nd: YAG laser penetrates the skin into the superficial blood vessel. The heat generated from the laser coagulates the blood inside the spider vein, causing it to collapse and seal.


Asclera (polidocanol injection) is a sclerosing agent used to treat small uncomplicated spider veins and varicose veins in the legs.

Asclera is injected directly into problem veins using a small needle. Polidocanol, the active ingredient in Asclera, is the chemical that encourages the problematic veins to close, and it also contains anesthetic properties which may lessen discomfort during the procedure.